
How to Become a Coding Pro at 9 Years Old

  Programming is a skill that can help you create games, websites, apps, and even robots. Learning to code can also improve your logical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. If you are 9 years old and want to start learning programming, here are some tips and resources to help you.   Choose a Programming Language There are many programming languages to choose from, but some are easier and more suitable for beginners than others. Some of the most popular and kid-friendly programming languages are:   •   Scratch: Scratch is a free programming language for kids developed by MIT's Lifelong Kindergarten Lab . Scratch uses a building-block visual interface that lets you drag and drop images, sounds, and actions to create animations and games. You don't need to type any code, but you can still learn the basic concepts of programming, such as loops, variables, and events. You can also share your crea...